Here's my Flickr! Creative Caffeine


here's the flickr that has my photos. and since it has a limit. i made another account and the second link has the continuation of it. so i will be explaining why i decided to use these for my creative caffeine

A lot of the containers I took pictures of are mostly about the mechanism. To me, it's just not how it opens but its about how it shows what's underneath, how it contains but doesnt really have a closing or opening, just grab and go attitude.  A lot of these features are something that I appreciate very much. 

- I like the beer container on how it's made out of just paper which can be flatten and also, it doesnt just carry one thing, it carries six things. 

- DVD Case- I really just love how it opens but it doesnt let the DVD fly around in the box, but there is also that "push" in the middle to keep it from moving.

-The piece of paper that that says, in memory of Chris Galecki, to me, this one is about emotions and how it contains our emotions.  "My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. Dering your times of trial and suffering, when you only saw one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." -Author Unknown

-Mirror and scale- It contains our insecurities and our confident all in one. For me, when I look at the mirror, I actually feel beautiful.  I love my body they way it is.  It is others that make me feel ugly.

-Passport and Certificate of Citizens, it contains my right to be in this country and my passport allows me to go to Thailand without any problem.

-The watch- it contains time, but how it works to me is really awesome. And how there is a closed container that shows whats in it but doesnt let anything in meaning, no water can get in. And I think that is so cool.

-Closet- It contains my makeup.  It doesnt just cover my body but it also is an enhancer. it makes my body look better. And it also lets me look the way I want to. it has my identity as well. 

-The bag with pills- it is a necessity for me.  The pills are keeping me healthy, its herbal medicine.  This doctor that prescribed me the pills, he is known as the Angel Doctor. Because all he has to do is feel your pulse to know whats going on. And he has cured people with HIV and AIDS. The only one in the world. 

-Deer Park- You can see the whats inside and I love that. The ability to see your product first before buying, which I totally love.

-Toilet- not because it contains water, but it contains our waste which I think is so cool.

-Calender- it tells time but it is a picture of my cousin giving birth to her first child and i think its awesome.  It contains memories that cant be told.

-Medicine Containers, it's one container but it has so many slots in there. Super cool.

-Sink- THIS IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE, I love how everything comes into this one big thing, but then it comes out of this small hole. It's so cool. goes in one place and comes out another. Super fabulous.

-Banana- 1 Time Containers

-Rice Cooker- The mechanism on how the handle works is very efficient. You press one button and it just pops open. How cool is that?

Fridge- It keeps the temperature and the ability to not make things rot and go bad.

TV- TRASH... that what it shows.

That's pretty much enough. I think. But yep!

Do Good Design Foreword+Intro+CH.1



As designers we were not hired to make things to just be beautiful but to be functional.  A lot of times we become designers because we want to express our creativity, but also we want to make something better, better clothes, better advertisement, better life.  We must design for the people because that's what we need to be doing. Margaret Mead said that a few individual can change the world.  The world is in trouble and she needs our help.  And yes everyday we get up and have te throw trash away, well, we can defeat our habit and say, "You know what? I can fight this. And instead of just throwing it in the trash and hope that someone will put it in the recycle bin, I will put it in the bin myself."  We can defeat our habits and the world is counting on that. 


Our job, meaning designers, are to help repair this world we are living in and share how to do it with other individuals and a way for us to do that is to communicate.  We live in a time where technology can easily help us influence each other because everyone on this planet is an information communicator.  We have the tools and ability to influence others of our responsibility and duty to find o solution to creating a future for the generation to come. YES I said, creating a future, because at this moment, we are taking it away from our children and grandchildren.  

One of the biggest issues that we have is over consumption.  We are always thinking we need something, when in reality, we just want it.  Personally, when I go shopping, I say, I need the man-bag, but in reality, do I really need the man bag? NO, I dont. I just want it a lot.  Instead of sitting there and say, I need it.  I could be saying, I dont need it. That's what I need to do. 

The ones, like us, that are destroying the world can also be ones that saves the world.  We are the future, we can help change the world, we create our habitat. Yet we dont care to save it, we only sit back and relax and wait for someone else to do it. But that is not where we should be.  As artists, we need to think forward and not think of the now. 


What we have seen in the media has influenced us.  What we need to realize is that they are not true.  They are a lot of times ridiculous.  Those who say, we need to stop exploiting women.  Well, as a society, we are hypocritical, we use women for money, SEX SELL. And when they say that, they mean, almost naked women on a billboard holding a product.  Is that the direction we want to go as a society?

The other thing with advertisement is they never say the truth.  It's a whole bunch of talking around the actually issue and never actually sorting it out.  In the passed ten years, the presidential candidate have spent over billions of dollars in advertisement on how are the right one for their job. Well, EXCUSE ME, but when Obama found out about Proposition 8, he didn't like it, but he did not come out and defend the LGBT community about it, which I think is ridiculous because to me, that's the right thing.  They are always talking around the issue and say how they are going to make it better, but are so afraid to defend their believes.  

What I find interesting is the fact that in US, we say, you control what your kid sees, but in Canada, they just ban whatever they think kids should see... Which is better??? Answer it for yourself.  And what's going to happen in the future?

What is Social Design?

To explain social design, we need to talk about social change.  When I say social change, I am talking about what is going on in the world.  Social change is a progress and an evolution in society, a social revolution.  It can be different or the same in different place and time, such as the 1920's Woman Suffrage, the government's corruption, or the Civil Rights Movement.  

Change is progress but it also is a form of activism.  Social Design is designing and processing that improves human being and that is also a form of activism.  Designers for social change tend to feel responsible to changing the world in a positive way through good design. We need to design for what we need not what we want.  Many designers believe we need to improve the ecological system known as sustainability and sustainable design is a branch of that. 

Social Design is about making a difference.

With the LGBT Civil Rights movement, there has been a lot of hate revolve around Westboro Baptist Church.... known as God Hates Fag. (Do NOT go to their website because they get money every time you visit. ) They use God as a way to hate.  Yes they focus on individuals in the LGBT community and using the Bible which states that, "man shall not lie with man." They use that to start this organization.  Then it becomes, this country is corrupt. And it's ok for soldiers to die because those soldiers are fighting for this evil country and that God will punish them. To me, all of this is ridiculous. Then they would, of course, branch out to... Jews will die. Blacks are damned. All these nonsense that... we.... laugh upon. 

Or here's one that is linking to what I'm about to talk next.  California provides domestic partnership to same-sex couples.  It offered the couples most of the rights a marriage between a man and a woman does.  Then in November 2008, when President Obama was elected, Proposition 8 was on.  Proposition 8 is only in California voted by its citizens, won by 52%.  Took back the ability to marry anymore couples.  It sent an OUTRAGE everywhere. Everyone in the LGBT community was affected.

SO linking this back to Social Design, the NoH8 Campaign was started by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley.  It is a photo campaign featuring people who support against Prop 8 in a silent protest. 

Or here's one that is linking to what I'm about to talk next.  California provides domestic partnership to same-sex couples.  It offered the couples most of the rights a marriage between a man and a woman does.  Then in November 2008, when President Obama was elected, Proposition 8 was on.  Proposition 8 is only in California voted by its citizens, won by 52%.  Took back the ability to marry anymore couples.  It sent an OUTRAGE everywhere. Everyone in the LGBT community was affected.

SO linking this back to Social Design, the NoH8 Campaign was started by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley.  It is a photo campaign featuring people who support against Prop 8 in a silent protest.